Barcheck, G., G. Abers, A. Adams, A. Bécel, J. Collins, J. Gaherty, P. Haeussler, Z. Li†, G. Moore†, E. Onyango†, E. Roland, D. Sampson†, S. Schwartz, A. Sheehan, D. Shillington, P. Shore, S. Webb, D. Wiens, and L. Worthington (submitted), The Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment, Seismological Research Letters: Data Mine.
Adams, A., Y. Jin*, M. Dimas*, and I. Dove* (submitted-in review), Leveraging USArray and Regional Networks to Characterize Natural and Mining Seismicity at the Intersection of the Grenville and Taconic Provinces, Seismological Research Letters: Eastern Section.
Abers, G., Adams, A., Haeussler, P., Roland, E. , Shore, P., Wiens, D., Schwartz, S., Sheehan, A., Shillington, D., Webb, S., and Worthington, L. (2019), Examining Alaska’s earthquakes on land and sea, EOS, 100,
A. Adams, J. Miller*, and N. Accardo* (2018), Relationships between lithospheric structures and rifting in the East African Rift System: A Rayleigh wave tomography study, ​Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Vol. 19, 10, 3793-3810.
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Adams, A., D. Wiens, A. Nyblade, G. Euler, P. Shore, and R. Tibi (2015), Lithospheric instability and the source of the Cameroon Volcanic Line: Evidence from Rayleigh wave phase velocity tomography, Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, Vol. 120, 1708-1727.
O’Donnell, J. P., A. Adams, A. A. Nyblade, G. D. Mulibo*, and F. Tugume* (2013), The uppermost mantle shear wave velocity structure of eastern Africa from Rayleigh wave tomography: constraints of rift evolution, Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 194, iss. 2, 961-978.
Adams, A., Nyblade, A., and D. Weeraratne (2012), Upper mantle shear wave velocity structure beneath the East African Plateau: evidence for a deep, plateau-wide low velocity anomaly, Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 189, 123-142.
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Adams, A., R. Brazier, A. Nyblade, A. Rodgers, and A. Al-Amri (2009), Source Parameters for Moderate Earthquakes in the Zagros Mountains with Implications for the Depth Extent of Seismicity, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 99, 2044-2049.
* indicates an undergraduate or graduate co-author