Danny Barreto
Danny Barreto received his PhD in Hispanic Languages & Literature and a graduate certificate in Women’s Studies from Stony Brook University, SUNY (2010). His research centers largely on Galician and Spanish narrative, while drawing heavily on his background in Latin American and Caribbean studies and gender theory.
Danny’s most recent work in the area of Galician studies engages with sexuality, gender, language, and national identity in literary and cinematic production from the late 19th through 21st centuries. Recent publications have appeared in journals such as Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, Galicia 21 and Abriu: Textuality Studies on Brazil, Galicia and Portugal, as well as the edited volumes Rerouting Galician Studies: Multidisciplinary Interventions (2017) and Queering Iberia: Iberian Masculinities at the Margins (2012). He has taught courses on Spanish and Latin American literature, women's studies, translation, and language.
His current research focuses on queer cultural production and history in Galicia.