
Noah Apthorpe

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Noah Apthorpe

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Department/Office Information

Computer Science


PhD (2020), MA (2017), BSE (2014) in Computer Science, Princeton University

Privacy and security, human-computer interaction, machine learning, networks

  • COSC 101: Introduction to Computing I (Fall 2021, Spring 2021, Fall 2020)
  • COSC 255: Gadgets and Gizmos: The Hardware/Software Interface (Fall 2023, Fall 2022)
  • COSC 208: Introduction to Computer Systems (Fall 2023)
  • COSC 311: Security, Privacy and Society (Spring 2023, Fall 2021, Fall 2020)
  • COSC 410: Applied Machine Learning (Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021)
  • COSC 482: Independent Research (Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Fall 2021, Spring 2021, Fall 2020)
  • COSC 492: Honors Research (Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021)
  • FSEM 136: Privacy (Fall 2022)
  • M. Sanfilippo, N. Apthorpe, K. Brehm, Y. Shvartzshnaider. Privacy Governance Not Included: Analysis of Third Parties in Learning Management Systems. ILS. 2023
  • X. Jiang, N. Apthorpe. Automating Internet of Things Network Traffic Collection with Robotic Arm Interactions. JCM. 2023
  • N. Apthorpe, P. Emami-Naeini, A. Mathur, M. Chetty, N. Feamster. You, Me, and IoT: How Internet-Connected Consumer Devices Affect Interpersonal Relationships. ACM TIOT. 2022
  • T. Le, D. Huang, N. Apthorpe, Y. Tian. SkillBot: Identifying Risky Content for Children in Alexa Skills. ACM TOIT. 2022
  • Y. Shvartzshnaider, M. Sanfilippo, N. Apthorpe. GKC-CI: A Unifying Framework for Contextual Norms and Information Governance. JASIST, 2022
  • N. Apthorpe. Practical Assignments for Teaching Contextual Integrity. Symposium on Applications of Contextual Integrity, 2021
  • Y. Shvartzshnaider, M. Sanfilippo, N. Apthorpe. "Using Contextual Integrity as a Gauge for Governing Knowledge Commons." In Governing Privacy in Knowledge Commons. B. Frischmann, M. Sanfilippo, K. Strandburg (eds.), 2021
  • D. Huang, N. Apthorpe, F. Li, G. Acar, N. Feamster. IoT Inspector: Crowdsourcing Labeled Network Traffic from Smart Home Devices at Scale. IMWUT, 2020
  • Y. Shvartzshnaider, N. Apthorpe, N. Feamster, H. Nissenbaum. Going Against the (Appropriate) Flow: A Contextual Integrity Approach to Privacy Policy Analysis. HCOMP, 2019
  • N. Apthorpe, S. Varghese, N. Feamster. Evaluating the Contextual Integrity of Privacy Regulation: Parents' IoT Toy Privacy Norms Versus COPPA. USENIX Security, 2019
  • N. Apthorpe, D. Huang, D. Reisman, A. Narayanan, N. Feamster. Keeping the Smart Home Private with Smart(er) IoT Traffic Shaping. PETS, 2019
  • S. Zheng, N. Apthorpe, M. Chetty, N. Feamster. User Perceptions of Smart Home IoT Privacy. CSCW, 2018
  • G. Chu, N. Apthorpe, N. Feamster. Security and Privacy Analyses of Internet of Things Children's Toys. IoT-J, 2018
  • N. Apthorpe, Y. Shvartzshnaider, A. Mathur, D. Reisman, N. Feamster. Discovering IoT Smart Home Privacy Norms using Contextual Integrity. IMWUT, 2018.
  • T. Datta, N. Apthorpe, N. Feamster. A Developer-Friendly Library for Smart Home IoT Privacy-Preserving Traffic Obfuscation. IoT S&P, 2018
  • R. Doshi, N. Apthorpe, N. Feamster. Machine Learning DDoS Detection for Consumer Internet of Things Devices. DLS, 2018
  • D. Wood, N. Apthorpe, N. Feamster. Cleartext Data Transmissions in Consumer IoT Medical Devices. IoT S&P, 2017
  • N. Apthorpe, D. Reisman, N. Feamster. Closing the Blinds: Four Strategies for Protecting Smart Home Privacy from Network Observers. ConPro, 2017
  • N. Apthorpe, D. Reisman, N. Feamster. A Smart Home is No Castle: Privacy Vulnerabilities of Encrypted IoT Traffic. DAT, 2016
  • N. Apthorpe, A. Riordan, R. Aguilar, J. Homann, Y. Gu, D. Tank, H.S. Seung. Automatic Neuron Detection in Calcium Imaging Data using Convolutional Networks. NIPS, 2016
  • Z. Teo, K. Birman, N. Apthorpe, R. Van Renesse, V. Kuksenkov. Treating Software Defined Networks like Disk Arrays. NetSoft, 2016

Network Privacy and User Protection in the Internet of Things. Doctoral Dissertation, Computer Science Department, Princeton University, June 2020

See my for a bio, publication abstracts, links to papers for download, and additional professional activities.