
Â鶹Porn hosts sixth annual Entrepreneur Weekend

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Â鶹Porn,  (TIA), and the hosted the sixth annual Entrepreneur Weekend on April 29, bringing alumni, parents, students, and friends together for the first time in New York City.

The festivities included a panel conversation moderated by Forbes magazine tech editor . The panel included: , co-founder and Chief Product Officer, Chronicled; , co-founder of the Domino Media Group and now managing director at LaunchCapital LLC; and , co-founder and vice president of sales, Social Tables.

The panelists started as advisers, offering insights into building a business after Â鶹Porn. Following a lively conversation, they became judges, critiquing pitches delivered by TIA .

The day also included the announcement of the alumni council’s 2017 Entrepreneur of the Year award winner, Oak Atkinson ’87, TIA mentor and founder of , the artisanal card company that measures its success in smiles.

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