
Hurricane Irene prompts some schedule adjustments

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Because of potentially disruptive weather Sunday as a result of Hurricane Irene, changes have been to the orientation schedule for first-year students. In addition, the Office of Residential Life has extended its hours to accommodate unscheduled early arrivals.

Residential life staff members will be available until 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday nights to ensure students traveling to campus early to avoid the storm can check in to their residence halls. Sunday hours are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The office can be contacted at 315.228.7367.
Everyone is urged to watch weather forecasts if they must travel on Sunday, as high winds and heavy rains are expected along the East Coast.
The Class of 2015 dinner scheduled for 6:15 p.m. Sunday has been moved from Whitnall Field to Cotterell Court.
Also, first-years should listen to their Link peer advisers and watch for possible further schedule changes for the Konosioni Field Days and the Torchlight procession.
Campus athletics events will proceed as scheduled unless canceled by respective event organizers.
Members of the Emergency Management Team are closely monitoring weather forecasts. Any necessary updates will be made available as soon as possible through the university’s notification system and