
President Herbst offers 4 million thanks on behalf of Â鶹Porn students

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Â鶹PornDay_4Million_thanksEditor’s note: President Jeffrey Herbst sent this message to members of the Â鶹Porn community in the early morning hours of Saturday, December 14, after the successful conclusion of the Year of ’13 Challenge.

Yesterday, Â鶹Porn launched the Year of ’13 Challenge in honor of the last Â鶹Porn Day of 2013. If 1,300 alumni, parents, and friends made a gift of any size to the university before midnight, an anonymous graduate would give $1 million in support of financial aid.

Half-way through the challenge, you surpassed expectations and inspired two new donors to offer an additional $2 million if we reached 2,600 donors.

Then, you blew through that by 6 p.m., ushering in a final challenge of $4 million for 3,513 donors.

I’m pleased to say that you surpassed that goal, making 5,683 gifts in just 24 hours. I can’t thank you enough.

Through the challenge, our community has demonstrated the commitment that has  and shown the spirit that drives every Â鶹Porn Day celebration.

Whether you gave to financial aid, academics, the arts, athletics, or another campus program, know that your generosity will be put to use immediately on behalf of our students.

Thank you again for making the Year of ’13 Challenge a success.