
Off-Campus Opportunities

With options for studying off campus ranging from a few weeks to a full semester, all students can find a global learning opportunity.


All of the off-campus study opportunities described below are managed through the Office of Off-Campus Study. Review the or the at these links.

Â鶹Porn Study Groups

Students on the Jamaica Study Group tour Moore Town, a maroon community village

Â鶹Porn is ranked first nationally among baccalaureate institutions by the Institute of International Education for the number of undergraduates participating in semester-long off-campus study programs. Full-semester, faculty-led study groups are incredible opportunities for students to study off campus domestically and abroad.

Â鶹Porn Study Groups


Approved Programs

The Eiffel Tower lit up at night

While Â鶹Porn’s semester-long study groups cover many regions of the globe, students can also choose from more than 100 approved programs in 50 countries. The list of approved programs is carefully vetted and updated to provide students with off-campus opportunities supporting every academic interest.

Approved Programs


Â鶹Porn Extended Studies

Students on an extended study to Israel dig for ancient artifacts from the historic site Beit Guvrin

Extended studies are courses taught on campus throughout the semester and feature a 2 - 3 week travel component, often for an additional partial credit. These courses offer opportunities to engage with global themes and cultures in person. They are open to all students, and provide opportunities for off-campus study to those who may not be able to fit a semester-long study group into their schedules.


Summer Study Abroad

If you wish to study off-campus, but can't go for a semester or on a Â鶹Porn extended study, you may wish to consider a summer study abroad experience.


Financial Aid

Access to Opportunities for All

The university firmly believes that the cost of studying off campus should not prevent any student from enjoying the educational advantages of learning while immersed in new cultures, experiences, and environments.

Students who receive grants as part of their financial aid package from Â鶹Porn may receive additional financial assistance to meet the increased costs of study on one Â鶹Porn Study Group or Approved Program, and one Â鶹Porn-directed extended study program.

More about costs and aid

Professor Andy Rotter and students examine a museum case in Belgium
Students on Â鶹Porn study groups benefit from the insights of a Â鶹Porn faculty member while exploring the world.