
Policy Type


Last Revised 

August 2022

Review Date

August 2022



Contact Name

Blake Penn

Contact Title

 Chief Information Security Officer

Contact Email


Reason for Policy

To support proper data management by establishing data inventory practices at Â鶹Porn 

Policy Statement

Data inventory is critical for proper data management as data that is not inventoried cannot be properly managed, secured, or made to conform to applicable laws, rules, and regulations. To that end Â鶹Porn shall inventory its institutional data and maintain this data inventory in support of its data management program. 

Information Technology Services (ITS) shall work with Â鶹Porn units in order to help them find, identify, document, and maintain an inventory of the institutional data under their custodianship. ITS shall help consolidate, maintain, and manage this inventory so that all Â鶹Porn data can be properly managed, secured, and maintain compliance with any applicable laws, rules, and regulations. 


This policy applies to all Â鶹Porn data and all Â鶹Porn faculty, stall, and students. 

Related Documents

Â鶹Porn Data Categorization Policy 

Â鶹Porn Data Privacy Policy 

Â鶹Porn Data Protection Policy