
Policy Type


Last Revised

August 2022

Review Date

August 2022



Contact Name

Blake Penn

Contact Title

Chief Information Security Officer

Contact Email



Reason for Policy

This policy establishes requirements and standards for the safe use and operation of ITS golf carts and utility vehicles.

Policy Statement

ITS golf cart and utility vehicles may only be used for official University business by authorized university employees (including student employees) and may not be used for personal business. ITS shall maintain a list of such authorized users. All users of such vehicles must understand and comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to the use and operation of these vehicles including being licensed to operate such vehicles where applicable. Users of these vehicles must operate them in a safe and responsible manner and may not park these vehicles in any location prohibited by law or regulation or where they would post a safety hazard. Users may not operate nor park these vehicles in a manner or place which would impede or interfere with the normal movement of other vehicles or pedestrians.


This policy applies to all ITS golf carts & utility vehicles and all users of those vehicles.